Current State of Futura Worlds

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Originally, this website was to be a cool online game you could play in the browser. Although I created many types and had different ideas, launching a game has become impossible. Now, with browser games being non-existent and everything going to mobile gaming, it just doesn't seem feasible at this time to continue with the current plan.

Pausing Development

Although I will be pausing development of a game, I still want to create a game some day under this name and domain. It would need to be a mobile game. As I hate ads, it would probably not have ads and only be supported by charging a cost to play, or addons within the game. Do not expect a game to come out under this name within the next few years.

Other Projects

Currently, I have been working on other projects. You can visits the websites below to see how they are doing.


Creating websites and games are hard and require tons of time. When I was younger, I had the time, but now, as a father of 2, it is very hard. Maybe someday I can get a game going. Until then, follow me on Twitter!
